Origins and Mission

Emotional Health Essentials comes from the research lab of Dr. Anne Hsu, Associate Professor at Queen Mary, University of London. We combine the latest insights from neuroscience and psychology research into practical, actionable workplace training.

Emotional health is one of the most valuable and undersupported skills in society. It is a facet of mental health. The skills for emotional health involve developing self-awareness, appropriate expression of feelings, and a way of talking to self and others that provides a supportive, growth-minded approach to difficult situations. The techniques and practices that support emotional health are distinct from and complementary to other mental health strategies such as mindfulness, stress-reduction, sleep, and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Emotional health is linked to greater resilience, stronger relationships, as well as improved collaboration, engagement, and performance.

Our aim is to support emotional health competency in individuals and organizations by helping people find ways to relate to themselves and others that are authentic, constructive, and supportive.

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Leadership Team

Anne Hsu

Anne Hsu, PhD

Anne Hsu is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of London (Queen Mary). Her PhD was in physics and neuroscience from University of California Berkeley. For over 20 years, Anne has conducted research at the intersection of machine learning, neuroscience and psychology. Anne is also an accredited workplace mediator (OCN London).
Peter Latham

Peter Latham, PhD

Peter Latham is Professor of Neuroscience and Machine Learning at the Gatsby Unit, University College London (UCL). Peter is also a visiting researcher at Deep Mind. Peter received his PhD in physics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1986. Peter’s research focuses on probabilistic models, combining the fields of machine learning and neuroscience.
Lynn Qu

Lynn Qu

Lynn Qu is Director of Business Integrity Sales Partnership at Facebook. She received her MSc and BSc in Computer Science, both from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lynn has over 20 years of experience building and managing high-growth, high-performance teams. Her previous positions include Director of Strategy and Operations at Airbnb, Senior Director of Global Product at Expedia, Vice President of Global Product at Trip, and Programme Manager at Microsoft.